Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Day 2 of work experience

Same old, same old...
Here's some more photos:

© Rebekah Morris 2013
All Rights Reserved 

Various Animal Rights Demos

Anti-fur demo in Manchester (29/12/12)

© Rebekah Morris 2012
All Rights Reserved 

'Blood On Your Hands' demo, outside Newcastle University (10/01/13)

© Rebekah Morris 2013
All Rights Reserved 

Anti Greyhound-Racing outside Perry Barr, Birmingham (11/01/13)

© Rebekah Morris 2013
All Rights Reserved 


Save The Harlan Beagles Vigil in Bristol (19/01/13)

© Rebekah Morris 2013
All Rights Reserved 

Monday, 28 January 2013

Work Experience at The Gloucestershire Echo

          Today was my first day of work experience at The Gloucestershire Echo. I have to admit, I wasn't incredibly excited for it - Newspaper work isn't really my ambition, but I was pleasantly surprised. I started off the day by shadowing and working with Paul Nicholls (www.paulnichollsphotography.co.uk). Although we didn't go to any big news stories, it was still fast-paced which is something I enjoy. In the afternoon, the photographers for the newspaper were all out and about in different cities in Gloucestershire, Carey wasn't sure how I'd get back so didn't want to send me, so instead I was sent out to take some 'arty' pictures around Cheltenham for a spread in the paper. Now, I'm not really one to search for the perfect 'arty' shot, I much prefer to take photographs that have a lot of meaning behind them or show something important and I do find it near on impossible to find something in Cheltenham that interests me. However, as you can probably tell from this blog, I do have a huge soft spot for animals - any animals. Whilst everyone else seems to be complaining about 'bloody pigeons' and 'squirrels stealing food from the birds', I'm admiring them. So, instead of photographing something that just isn't me, I befriended some animals and got some 'arty' shots of them. And now, I will share them with you:

© Rebekah Morris 2013
All Rights Reserved 

Monday, 14 January 2013

Please help to save the Harlan beagles.

"SAVE THE HARLAN BEAGLES is a campaign to close Harlan UK – the country’s last remaining breeders of beagles for use in vivisection."

"Lab animals will have chemicals dripped into their eyes, be force fed capsules and have liquids pumped directly into their stomachs via plastic tubes. Side effects of such experiments include vomiting, internal bleeding, seizures, paralysis and, finally, death. Most lab animals will be experimented on several times before dying"

"Vioxx – a drug designed to ease the pain of arthritis sufferers – improved animal heart health (and was tested ‘safe’ on monkeys), but went on to cause over 140,000 fatal heart attacks and strokes in humans"

"Humans share 98% of their DNA with chimpanzees. However, chimps are immune to HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and common Malaria. The latter kills millions of humans every year. Therefore, the 2% DNA difference is HUGE"

"The results of drug testing may be different on male rats and male Beagle dogs compared with females, due to differences in liver function in males and females (23, 24). That makes animal testing even less reliable than tossing a coin."

"Animals are similar to people. But how scientific is the word “similar” when one considers that humans share 50 percent of their DNA with a banana?"

Please visit the website for more information:


And don't forget to sign the petition:

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Animal Testing

After attending the Newcastle University Animal Lab demo, as planned, I was intrigued to find out more about animal testing in the name of science, research and cosmetics. I personally cannot find myself to support it, even in cases such as 'Cancer Research UK', 'Parkinson's UK' and 'The British Heart Foundation'. This may seem controversial and ignorant on my part, but I will never agree that testing on animals is the only or best way to find out more about any illness or find a prevention or cure. I feel that animals deserve a lot more rights than they have, one of which should be to never be subjected to such cruelty or torture especially when it is so in vain. Even if we did not test on humans for humans, with todays science we can create artificial (and very realistic) skin, stem cells and so much more. Cruelty to animals is cheaper and far less reliable.

List of charities which do fund or conduct experiments on animals:

Whilst it is not legal to test on animals for cosmetics in the UK, it is not illegal for the products to be tested outside of the UK but still sold in the UK.
List of some of the companies that test on animals:

'Save The Harlan Beagles': This is a campaign aiming to stop beagles being bred for medical science and vivisection. These dogs are bred purely for sickening and torturous experiments.
I definitely plan to attend some demos and protests for this cause.