Monday, 28 January 2013

Work Experience at The Gloucestershire Echo

          Today was my first day of work experience at The Gloucestershire Echo. I have to admit, I wasn't incredibly excited for it - Newspaper work isn't really my ambition, but I was pleasantly surprised. I started off the day by shadowing and working with Paul Nicholls ( Although we didn't go to any big news stories, it was still fast-paced which is something I enjoy. In the afternoon, the photographers for the newspaper were all out and about in different cities in Gloucestershire, Carey wasn't sure how I'd get back so didn't want to send me, so instead I was sent out to take some 'arty' pictures around Cheltenham for a spread in the paper. Now, I'm not really one to search for the perfect 'arty' shot, I much prefer to take photographs that have a lot of meaning behind them or show something important and I do find it near on impossible to find something in Cheltenham that interests me. However, as you can probably tell from this blog, I do have a huge soft spot for animals - any animals. Whilst everyone else seems to be complaining about 'bloody pigeons' and 'squirrels stealing food from the birds', I'm admiring them. So, instead of photographing something that just isn't me, I befriended some animals and got some 'arty' shots of them. And now, I will share them with you:

© Rebekah Morris 2013
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